Welsh Government

Welsh Government

Since 2018, the Welsh Government has maintained a dependency in the British Embassy in Berlin. In 2020, we were commissioned to promote the theme year “Wales in Germany 2021” with a comprehensive PR and marketing campaign.

The challenge

The theme year “Wales in Germany 2021” highlighted and promoted the existing relations between Wales and Germany in the areas of trade, science and innovation, arts and culture, education, tourism and sustainable development goals – with the main aim of further developing business contacts between the two nations.

Our approach

Development and implementation of a multimedia campaign to increase the visibility of Welsh industries and business sectors, strengthen the existing business relations of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia with Wales, expand the trade partnership and raise the profile of Wales in general.


In addition to publishing various topic-specific press releases on cyber security, compound semiconductors, COP26, Welsh Climate Week or the International Literature Festival, we organised three virtual events (tourism, alumni and Welsh cuisine). Organisation and implementation of an extensive social media campaign as well as a print and online campaign with advertorials in topic-specific media such as ZEIT für Unternehmer, native advertorials in Süddeutsche Zeitung, FAZ.NET, Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, etc. Furthermore, we were significantly involved in the organisation and implementation of the ZDF production about “future generations” with Sophie Howe (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales), for the documentary series plan b “Da geht was, Deutschland”.